The term "Late Victorian" describes a cluster of building types of the late 19th century that do not fit neatly into other styles. These houses are often called "Folk Victorian" and can even be almost vernacular in design. In Erie County, Late Victorian houses come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Among the key features of Late Victorian houses are front porches that can feature decorative spindles, spandrels, or balustrades; the use of brackets or consoles below a steeply pitched roof; complicated roof forms; and tall windows. In Erie County, many Late Victorian houses are L-shaped buildings, some of which are a continuation of the "gable front and wing" variety that had been popular throughout the century. The house at 114 North Main Street in Albion is an L-shaped version of the "gable front and wing" house; its main entrance is located on the wing under a porch (most examples from earlier in the century placed the main entrance on the front gabled section instead).